
Friday 29 September 2017


1.  it is a human rat trap
2. it will have a ramp to let the rats walk up then it will have cans that tip over into a bucket of vasoline
3. it will sustain the kiwi population by taking away the dangers of rats

Friday 22 September 2017

FORESTRY 21/9/17-22/9/17

1. air paper firewood fruit charcoal
  agathis australis


alectryon excelsus
  • Roots: The roots are the part of the tree that grows underground. ...
  • Crown: The crown is made up of the leaves and branches at the top of a tree. ...
  • Leaves: Leaves are the part of the crown of a tree
  • the sycamore representes protection in america
5. Forestry is the science and craft of creating, managing, using, conserving, and repairing forests and associated resources to meet desired goals, needs, and values for human and environment benefits. Forestry is practiced in plantations and natural stands.

6. The forests are getting taken out for our needs
Image result for photos of nz forests
7.  we would run out of oxygen. we would not have paper. we would not have charcoal to keep warm. we would not have friut

8. plant more than one before cutting one. pick more and wait longer to cut them down.

Thursday 14 September 2017

ENDANGERED SPECIES - 14/9/17-15/9/17

LO:Identify endangered species in nz, explain why they are endangered and create a way to increase the population of the species

Task 1
1.Endangered species means that some species have very little animals in its species
2.New Zealand Fairy Tern  Kakapo Chatham Island Taiko White Heron Black Stilt
3.In order to prevent animals and plants from going extinct, the Endangered SpeciesAct , or ESA, was enacted in 1973. The act was designed to protect species from going extinct as a 'consequence of economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation.'

Friday 8 September 2017

Lesson 2 for Sustainbility kete


LO: Identify ways in which we can reduce the factors affecting whale population

Thursday 7 September 2017

Sustainability Kete


LO: Understand what we are learning about in this unit. Identify issues associated with the sustainability of whales

Sustainability means to sustain a sertone state or keep something in a safe way

Image result for images that mean sustainability

86 species of whales

killer whale

humpback whale

sperm whale

blue whale

beluga whale


i know so far that whale sharks are one reason why whales are endangered
overfishing is another one
pollution in the water is another one
construction of dams/bridges are another one
private/commercial boating is another reason
whaling which is something where people kill whales for food. It is another reason why the are endangered

Whale sharks endanger whales because they kill them for food and other mean things.
overfishing endangers whales because the people out fish the whales food which mean that you would kill the whales.
construction of dams and bridges endanger whales because where the whales live gets stopped by the support's on the bridge which it can sometimes hit the food supply for certain whales which then kills them.
pollution endangers whales because it will pollute the water that they need to breath and get into their system which then kills them from the inside out.
private/commercial boating endangers whales because the boats will sometimes hit the whales and kill them which means they cant have a family to reproduce other whales.

Wednesday 6 September 2017


I dislike gymnastics because

Today in gymnastics i liked doing the beam and learning to jump over a cone whilst on a beam.