
Thursday 7 September 2017

Sustainability Kete


LO: Understand what we are learning about in this unit. Identify issues associated with the sustainability of whales

Sustainability means to sustain a sertone state or keep something in a safe way

Image result for images that mean sustainability

86 species of whales

killer whale

humpback whale

sperm whale

blue whale

beluga whale


i know so far that whale sharks are one reason why whales are endangered
overfishing is another one
pollution in the water is another one
construction of dams/bridges are another one
private/commercial boating is another reason
whaling which is something where people kill whales for food. It is another reason why the are endangered

Whale sharks endanger whales because they kill them for food and other mean things.
overfishing endangers whales because the people out fish the whales food which mean that you would kill the whales.
construction of dams and bridges endanger whales because where the whales live gets stopped by the support's on the bridge which it can sometimes hit the food supply for certain whales which then kills them.
pollution endangers whales because it will pollute the water that they need to breath and get into their system which then kills them from the inside out.
private/commercial boating endangers whales because the boats will sometimes hit the whales and kill them which means they cant have a family to reproduce other whales.

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