
Monday 26 November 2018

Passion Project Reflective Blog

For the past four weeks we have been working on a project that we have a passion to learn or work on. My group have been creating a augmented reality sandbox. This project has been very different to learn. It has come with some very big curve balls, the X-Box connect sensor is the hardest to find cause we can not find people with them for cheap. The start was very hard cause we had no one with the knowledge about what we are trying to do and no knowledge on what we would be creating. This subject has been very good to learn about because the computer was a very different to work on and try to figure out how to wire the projector and connect sensor. My progress has mainly been on the connect sensor. We have not found a computer strong enough to hold our linx and it will not work. Our building was the only thing that went well really because our tech group could not get what we needed and we had some set backs with the computer, graphics card, and the projector. The computer is not powerful enough to process the linx. The graphics card we were recommended was to expensive for us so that was one more set back and the projectors we tested did not work on what we needed and this was a very big set back. 

The Connect sensor will be sensing the depth of the sand and if there is shade to make rain and the projector will project the sensed depth sand and shadow to make a visual presentation of crazy scientific research.

Our equipment is:
Xbox 360 connect sensor
Sanyo Projector
Computer with linx
The sandbox our group has create to hold the sand

Video of augmented reality sandbox

This is the final day of passion project so we all get to see all the groups and what they have been learning. I am looking forward to seeing the other groups passion project group because everyone have been working very hard on their passion project.
This has been a very different project and has been challenging to find the stuff that we need for our project to work.

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