
Wednesday 27 November 2019

Social Studies: Treaty of Waitangi Essay

In 1830 there were 100,000 Māori and around 200 Europeans living in New Zealand. The behavior of the Whalers, the Missionaries’ desire to help protect Māori rights and the Musket Wars were reasons that a treaty was needed. The Declaration of Independence was another contributing factor to the need for a treaty. 

One reason that a treaty was needed was the lawless behavior of some of the British Settlers like whalers. The treaty was created to enforce whalers to treat the Maori as their own so that nothing bad could happen such as slavery and prostitution. The whalers miss treated the younger Maori females because they got insanely intoxicated and then took their drunken rage towards the defenseless younger females. At one point in time, there could be over 200 whalers which would come back from their trips and directly disrespect the Maori. Since the whalers spent months out at sea they would have many things they would have missed out on while out there, so as soon as they got back all they did was everything they couldn’t. Due to the whalers coming back in this way they brought many issues back when they came back from their trips.
Another reason that a treaty was needed was to protect Māori rights. One group that felt strongly about this was the missionaries. As more missionaries came alone they brought more life standards and their religion with them which started to make the Maori learn about religion and start to believe more about their own rights. The missionaries helped the Maori realize that they are apart of the lifestyle in New Zealand. Missionaries caused the Maori to change their ways and start to care more about themselves which then the Maori to stand up for themselves. Missionaries helped all the Maori learn and write their own language. Missionaries started to help the English learn their own language. As the Maori learned to hand write words, they learnt who to be a true group of people. So as the missionaries helped the Maori learn about the English / French culture, the Maori changed the way they lived.

Another reason that a treaty was needed was the Musket Wars. 20,000 people were killed because of these muskets coming to New Zealand and the Maori fighting over the land that they thought they should have. This all happened between 1800 and 1899 which meant there was no medication to help the wounded or sick. As more muskets arrived, the Maori power changed. Maori started to gain and lose their land but as they lost the land they lost more and more people which meant that once the leaders came together everything stopped and more people didn’t have to die. If the treaty had come in faster there wouldn’t have been a war between different tribes and from tribes towards the English. As the muskets came alone the Maori history changed for the worst but then it all came back together to create the world we know of now. Muskets have been changing the Maori culture for years.
The final reason that a treaty was needed was the existence of the Declaration of Independence. Why was the declaration of independence was needed to gain control over New Zealand?. Interestingly, New Zealand got the declaration of independence to make everyone come together for the greater good of New Zealand. New Zealand had the declaration of independence put in place to make us friends with England but not being controlled. The declaration was put in place to stop other countries from raiding the Maori’s stuff and their personal belongings. With the declaration in place, the Maori had very little to worry about when it came to stealing and raids. The impact that the declaration had n the Maori culture was a massive part of New Zealand’s history. If New Zealand wasn’t an independent country, we wouldn’t be the amazing country we are today. This is New Zealand’s history.
In conclusion, a treaty was needed because New Zealand was having so many fights and wars. With the way New Zealand was before the treaty, New Zealand wouldn’t be the way it is today. I believe that without our treaty we would not be the New Zealand that we are today. New Zealand would still be at war and would still be fighting over basically everything.

market day

3 things that went well

Our group worked together very very well as we all made sure that each other was doing their job properly. We all had our own ideas and came together as a group to create those ideas and make those ideas correct and forwarding. Our ideas towards sales worked well when we all decide to work together and sell everything we had when we needed to.

3 things that didn't go so well

A part of our group's sales came from water balloons but we left the bags unattended and caused people to start stealing and creating their own product. We didn't get enough hot chips to sell as we ran out very fast. Our group didn't have any posters to put up anywhere so no one knew about our sales.

3 things you would change if done again.

We would add mode product and advertise more for our group so we can sell more. We could work on having more product to actually sell because we only had water balloons left at lunchtime so we lost profit. Our group could have been more watchful over all of our stuff so we never had anything stolen.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Greenhouse Effect

What is the greenhouse effect?
Earths atmosphere acts like a blanket around the Earth. In 1896 the chemist Svante Arrhenius suggested that carbon dioxide acts like the glass in a greenhouse which does not let heat out.

Effects of global warming?

Higher temperatures and rainfall may mean tropical pests and diseases are able to survive and breed in New Zealand.

Weather patterns.
Global warming may lead to dramatic changes in regional and seasonal weather patterns. This may lead to more intense and more frequent storm events such as tropical cyclones.

Sea-level rise.
Rising sea levels would flood coastal towns and communities. New Zealand's ports would be swamped. Coastal railway routes and roads would be flooded

More frequent and intense winter rainfall is expected to increase the likelihood of flooding rivers, as well as flash flooding.

Changes in climate may affect the viabitily of crops in some areas. Crops that are typically grown only in the North Island may be able to be grown in the South Island.

What is the solution to climate change?
There are 2 solutions called Migration and Adaption. 

Migration is reducing and stabilising greenhouse gasses. Less driving means fewer emissions. Besides saving gasoline, walking and biking are great forms of exercise. Explore the York Region Transit system and check out options for carpooling to work or school.
When you do drive, make sure your car is running efficiently. For example, keeping your tires properly inflated can improve your gas mileage by more than 3%. Every gallon of gas you save not only helps your budget, but it also keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

Adaption is adapting to climate change that is already occurring. Humans need to adapt to the impacts of climate change, for instance through technological solutions such as coastal defences and changes in consumption habits. Humans are already adapting to climate change, and further adaptation efforts will be necessary during the coming decades. However, adaptation alone is not expected to be able to cope will all projected effects since the options diminish and the costs increase with rising temperatures.

Thursday 21 November 2019

Greta Thunberg

Her approach towards this issue can be taken as very aggressive but some people will take it as moving. To most people, she will be taking anger but the way she is approaching this is very effective towards others who have caused an issue in the world but then those people will not clean up their mess.  She is right that she should be in school learning about the future not fighting for her future.

What does the presenter suggest?
He suggests " the end of the world" isn't actually the "end" of the world and that this young child is rude, arrogant and should not be talking the kinda stuff she is.

How are children constructed?
They are being shown as rude and children and that children should not be apart of this issue. The presenter makes us feel like following her is the worst mistake we can make and that children do not need to be involving themselves into this sort of political issue.

What is the viewer's position?
After watching this, most people will have a negative approach to her due to the way that she is being shown off in this presentation.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

English: Music videos

In this period we were watching music video which was directed towards a specific gender. I have learnt that most songs we listen to are very very derogative. Most of our songs go towards females but in an inappropriate way. Females are shown as very sexual people. They get projected as people who want to be open about everything.

Thursday 24 October 2019

E-asttle Practice Writing - Persuasive

I am aiming to improve my writing in the following 3 areas: Organisation, punctuation and spelling.

I will do this by: I will reorganise my work into paragraphs instead of a big grouping of words. I will add more vocabulary such as " ! ? to improve my writing. I will also try to add in better, harder to spell words to make my writing a higher level.

Motorsport encourages road users to drive dangerously. I disagree with this statement. Do you agree with my point of view? Motorsport is a form of entertainment that, I do have to agree, can be dangerous but most of the time drivers know what to do with their vehicles so that everyone else is safe.

I do not think that motorsport encourages people to drive dangerously because not all dangerous drivers watch motorsport. Motorsport is a professional sport which takes many years to master so you can drive/ride your vehicle to the best of your ability.

Motorsport does not encourage dangerous driving because people can learn their driving skills from family and friends when they watch them drive. Most motorsports are teaching people to drive because of the ways that you have to drive vehicles. It has been proven that race car drivers are more cautious on the road. With the way that you have to drive a race car, you are always checking your surroundings to make sure that if you have an opportunity to defend or gain a position so it teaches you that we need to watch how we drive.

People do not learn dangerous driving from motorsport because when you watch motorsport people have to make sure they do not hit another driver or car because each driver has a set of rules they must follow or they can be penalised. With the rules for some motorsport classes, they do not allow contact between cars so each driver must make accurate, pin-point moves to ensure that they do not lose positions or gain a penalty. A penalty in motorsport is like a ticket on the street because if you get a penalty for contact you could lose your position or even get a fine. Drivers in motorsport have to be very careful with the way they place their car/vehicle just like on a road every driver must be aware of their surroundings so that you do not hit another vehicle. Some people may watch some forms of motorsport such as Derbys and say "This encourages people to drive dangerously so they can keep to the rules" but that is the only time those people will drive like that. Some forms of motorsport hate the idea of dangerously driving so at some points you can get banned from the track.

So this proves that motorsport does not encourage people to drive dangerously. I race a car and I feel safer in my race car the I do in a traffic jam mainly because people at the track keep themselves at a safe distance but on the road, some people drive erratically behind me or in front of me.

Organization: I have made my work go from a big blob of work into an organized, paragraphed essay.
Punctuation: I have highlighted the added speak marks that I have used.
Spelling: I could not find any hard words to add to my work.

Monday 9 September 2019

Essay Pre-Planning:

Describe a relationship between 2 or more characters in the text. Explain how this relationship helped you to understand at least 1 of the characters.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Wind powered land boat class project.

Aim: To create a land boat that can go 10 meters while gaining velocity.

Method: We will use paper to create our sail which will attach to the metal rod. The metal rod will be screwed into the trolley/ base. The sail will hopefully catch more air and turn that air into velocity. We will use a leaf blower to create more airflow while we are outside.

Equipment list:

  • 1m of Paper.
  • 2m of Tape.
  • Cardboard Square.
  • A Metal Rod.
  • Trolley with Wheels.

Image result for wind powered car school project

Our land boat went 16.89m with a time of 14.7sec which means that our velocity was: 1.1489ms1

Our land boat was a bit different from everyone else's because of our shape and our design because our one had a backwards sail. Our one could have been better if we put more thought into it and created a better land boat but we decided that our one was fine.

In conclusion, our land boat did not do the best in the class so we could make some small improvements but for us, our land boat was a success and went very well.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Essay Pre-planning: Children of Blood and Bone.

My key event is going to be when Inan is sent by King Saran to burn down Ilorin. (Zelie's home town). My important character is going to be Zelie because she is the main character in this book. My character has changed from being cool, calm and collected to being very very upset, and rage-filled. My character has also changed from being scared to fight and not wanting to hurt too many people to wanting vengeance and trying to kill Inan at every chance she gets. Zelie also changes from being a scared little girl and being thought of as just a maggot/ slave to being able to scare all the guards off and causing the world to realise that maji can be scary but can also be very very nice people.

Monday 26 August 2019

Children of Blood and Bone: Chapter 79: Zelie

A message I take from this scene is that everyone has a breaking point and that betrayal can cause people to go from their happy normal self to a very broken, upset person. Inan breaks when his father tells him about why he hates the maji and after that he stopped believing in the maji and the ritual. Zelie has a feeling that she has lost everything including her family and her magic. She turns from a pursuing little girl into someone who can't feel anything mentally. Her beliefs have changed from the fact that she can do this and she can save everyone.  To now being like a turtle, she moves freely but when someone who has hurt her, she runs back into her shell with nothing.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Are students addicted to their cellphones? If so is this a problem?.

To an extent students are addicted to their phones due to social media and websites. To many people the way we use our cellphones can be addicting and cause trouble to our health and life style. I do not stand on either side of this subject, I believe that some people are addicted to their phones but some are not addicted to their phones. For most students they use their phones for more then social media. There can be people who cause issues towards parents, teachers and other students just because people ask them to get off their phone . While some people will get off their phone as soon as they are asked. For some students their phones are their lives but some can live without them for ages. Some use their phones for safety reasons and others use it for the work they have to complete for school. Some people only have their phone to contact parents, caregivers and family members. While others have it to be popular and to post images. Some also have it to bully people and cause harm to other people. Some people say that every one is addicted to their phones but some can live without them for ever. A large group of our population uses their phones for work and schooling.

Friday 16 August 2019

Change of Technology

Definition of Technology: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. "advances in computer technology" machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge. "it will reduce the industry's ability to spend money on new technology" the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.

Our slides compare the old and new types of technology in different categories. 

Thursday 8 August 2019

Children of Blood and Bone: Chapter 49

Strike, Amari.
Father's voice rings in my head, but it's not his strength I need.
Be brave, Amari. Binta soothes instead. 
Be the lionaire.

The message I take from this scene is that strength is different for each person but each person has there own way of using their strength. If we all use our strength, in the same way, there would be fights and issues. There is more than just physical strength. You can have mental and emotional strength. Your own strengths can be used for good things or bad things. Never try to use the same strength that others use.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

10Ak Feedback/Forward Visual Text Essay Connor Fraser


In the going for a run scene from The Power of One directed by John G. Avildsen, we can see that Gideon Duma and P.K are running around the town. With the many different shots and different film techniques, it causes the movie to have more of an impact on the audience. When we go through this scene there are 2 sets of tracking shots and diegetic sound. These two techniques can cause many different ideas and feelings to come through our heads. The two techniques caused a major impact on us in many different ways.

While the boys are running down the street we can see a tracking shot where the camera is following them down the street. This scene causes you to feel like what Gideon Duma is saying about a good tomorrow as he is describing the way he wants to make all people in Africa equal and create a better place for his people. While he is talking about this it causes an impact on the audience because of the way he describes the way he thinks Africa should be. With the way the camera is positioned we see the way that the boys are running and the way that the people in the background are confused and creeped out because the boys are breaking rules by running together. John G. Avildsen would have used this to show the aspect of how different the street is compared to now and to show who the different Black Africans can be treated. The Black Africans were treated differently because the Afrikaners believe that they did not deserve to be near them or work with them. This shot causes you to feel a sense of belief and realization because you see people in the background looking at them wonder why those boys are running together. We realize that the boys are pushing the rules to try to make a good tomorrow for Africa. We get a sense of belief because while the boys are talking it makes you feel like what they are planning is going to come true or begin to start. This is important because it can change the way we look at the film thanks to just this one shot because when you think about the start of the movie P.k was bullied for being English and Gideon Duma is in the same issue because of him being a Black African.

During the scene, the camera stops and is shown looking at black Africans digging beside the road. The camera stops for 5 seconds then moves into a tracking shot but while it is stopped it shows 10 black Africans were forced into hard labor by digging into the ground beside the road. Avildsen wanted the audience to understand that the black Africans were forced into slavery and beaten due to what the Afrikaners believed in. When we (The Audience) see this scene it causes you to feel sad and angry with the unlawful treatment of the black Africans because of the way the Afrikaners believe South Africa should be run. This is important because with this scene it shows you what rules the boys are breaking by running together, it shows the past of Gideon Duma when he was treated this way and shows the way that the black Africans were treated.

When the boys are running you hear singing in the background coming from Black Africans who are digging. This is known as diegetic sound. Diegetic sound is when a sound is not added in. The camera takes a pause and while in this pause you can hear the men singing beside the camera. The director did this to make you realize that the Black Africans could only sing nothing more, it makes you think because when they sing it gives them hope and a sense of fun. This causes the audience to understand that all those people had left was songs, myths, and beliefs. It makes the audience realize that these people lost their freedom, and rights so they have nothing left other then what the Afrikaners believe they are good for. This is important because when we hear about this in books and newspapers we never realize the full extent of the way that the Black Africans are treated.

In conclusion, this shows me that the way that John G. Avildsen uses these numerous oral and visual techniques causes the audiences view on this scene to be pushed and ever-changing. The many different film techniques used through-out this scene throws many emotions towards you and really makes you think about the way the Black Africans were treated.

I am very proud of the way that this essay portrays the ideas that I have wanted to put down. To improve my work I think there are endless possibility's to what I can fix so I can't pinpoint one thing I need to fix. I enjoyed learning the ways that we as humans have changed over the many years. I found it difficult learning about the way the Black Africans were treated in those days and how the way the charges and criminal offenses were put on Black Africans for basically walking around. I found that using Grammarly was a very good idea so I could learn how to change and better my writing. 

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Children of Blood and Bone Chapter 23 Zelie

Metal gates fly open on the sides of the arena floor, and an endless flow of
water rushes in. This has to be a mirage. Yet litre after litre flows in. The water
covers the metal ground, crashing with the expanse of a sea.

“How is this possible?” I hiss under my breath, remembering the labourers no
more than skin and bone. So many dying for water and they waste it on this?

This can be compared to the way that slave used to be treated in 1800. They were abused and forced into doing many different things they didn't want to. They had leaders, these leaders had no human respect nor did they have any morals towards the way that humans should be treated.

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Children of Blood and Bone: Chapter 22.

Chapter 22: Amari

I pause for a moment, aghast at the number of them filling the narrow path. Before today, I caught only glimpses of the laborers brought in to staff the palace always pleasant, clean, groomed to Mother’s satisfaction. Like Binta, I thought they lived simple lives, safe within the palace walls. I never considered where they came from, where else they might have ended up, “Skies…” It’s almost too hard to bear the sight. Mostly diviners, the laborers outnumber the villagers by hordes, dressed in nothing but tattered rags. Their dark skin blisters under the scorching sun, marred by the dirt and sand seemingly burned into their beings. Each is hardly more than a walking skeleton.

This could be compared to the way that Black Africans were treated in The Power of One film. The Power of One was directed by John G. Avildsen, it was based around the way that the Black Africans were treated by the Afrikaners. The Black Africans were forced into prisons, forced into slavery and were beaten if they didn't follow the rules or their instructions. The diviners are treated almost the same way the Black Africans were. The diviners are forced into the stock which can be taken as the slave trade. Each diviner is forced into labor and abuse by the guards.

Friday 14 June 2019

Designing a Digital Drill Gauge

I have started off with a stock design of a Tube which has a circumference of 100mm.

I now need to add in the holes which will measure the size of a drill bit so that we know what size of drill bit we are using. The holes sizes are 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 5.5mm, 6mm, 6.8mm, 8mm, and 10mm.

I now need to add the size indicators which show what size each hole is so that we know what size of drill bit we are using.

Now I am going to customize my design to make it more like a C for the first letter of my name.
This is what it looks like after I group each different part together to create the final piece.

I have now finished my design and now need to know if you guys think I could change anything to make it better or look different.