
Wednesday 13 May 2020

English week 3-4 lockdown work. Critical literacy matrix

I have chosen to re-watch Jojo rabbit by Taika waititi. This movie is based around the point of view of a 10-year-old boy named Jojo. It is set in 1945 during world war 2 as Jojo has to go through training camps and shows us what he had to go through just to survive and prove that he is a nazi.

A critical literacy matrix is a group of 7 colors in which a student must pick one question per color. I will have each question next to each color and alike to the matrix HERE

Blue- What does the author of this text want us to know?

The lives of people during those times are not all that we expected or thought of. Taika Waititi has shown us the perspective of a 10-year-old boy going through what he needs to so he can live up to the expectations of what Hitler has asked of his country.

Pink- What kind of language is used in the text? 

The language used can be derogative and bullying but if we were to think of it differently it could be taken and courage and in many was supportive. At 9 minutes and 50 seconds into the movie, Jojo is asked to kill a rabbit. At this point, he doesn't want to causing the 2 older instructors to start insulting him and upsetting him in a bullying way. Jojo at 13 minutes and 18 seconds his imaginary friend Adolf Hitler tells him " Be the rabbit. The humble bunny can outwit all of his enemies. He's brave and sneaky and strong. Be the rabbit." This causes courage in Jojo making him go running back to the next station for his group and grabbing a grenade and throwing it with no instructions. Proving to himself he is not a tiny and weak rabbit but a strong and brave rabbit.

Orange- How are children, teenagers, young adults, and adults constructed in this text? 

Children are shown as not knowing any better then the nasty and cruel things they have been taught. Teenagers are shown as soldiers or scared jews locked away and not being able to save themselves.
Young adults are shown as hurt or wounded soldiers learning that the fighting is all they have left. adults are shown as being able to make their own choices behind what they do towards the fighting. Take Jojo's mother, for example, she is saying that the war is dumb and wants to free Germany from the cruel miss treatment it is getting from Hitler. 

Green- How does the text depict age, gender, cultural groups?

The younger the age the less willful and more gulabil they are. Gender is shown as females do not have a direct right into the fighting. All females are shown as cooks, first aiders and mothers. Cultural groups are show that jews are hated by germans because the jews are not german so this shows us that because of some people's beliefs the whole country changes. This all is shown in the whole movie as each new thing shows us little steps in Jojo's life.

Purple- What has been left out of the text? 

The full another side of this conflict. We only learn about one teenage jew so therefore, the whole other side of the fight is missing. We see the German side through a young boy's eyes. We don't see the American allies fighting against Hitler in the war. The whole movie is based around Hitler's side but what about the Russian's, Americans, British, Japanese, Chinese. Every country left put has a different perspective on the situations that occurred during the period of September 1st, 1939 till September 2nd, 1945.

White- What views of the world is the text presenting? 

The world is shown as a harsh and cruel place for a young and small child during this time. It shows that Hitler didn't want the world around him so he made the whole country turn on the world starting a world war. Hitler may have earned these beliefs by the way the world leaders treated him.

Yellow- What different interpretations of the text are possible? 

We could see the negative side of what went on but then there is no way we can't say that the way the director made this text is hilarious due to the wordplay and diverse points of view. There are multiple views different people would want to see but there is endless ways that others can see those points of view. there could be germans who hate the movie since it brings up what their country has done in the past or there could be some who love it due it its change in wording and description of what went on.

1 comment:

  1. This is terrific, Connor. I am really impressed with the level of detail with which you have answered these questions. Thank you for giving readers a bit of an overall summary first. You've gone above and beyond. Regarding what you wrote for the 'purple' question -- yes -- it's really interesting seeing the war from Jojo's perspective. What other texts have you read or seen which show other perspectives of WWII/the Holocaust? Keep up the fabulous work Connor -- ka rawe! :)


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