
Monday 26 November 2018

Passion Project Reflective Blog

For the past four weeks we have been working on a project that we have a passion to learn or work on. My group have been creating a augmented reality sandbox. This project has been very different to learn. It has come with some very big curve balls, the X-Box connect sensor is the hardest to find cause we can not find people with them for cheap. The start was very hard cause we had no one with the knowledge about what we are trying to do and no knowledge on what we would be creating. This subject has been very good to learn about because the computer was a very different to work on and try to figure out how to wire the projector and connect sensor. My progress has mainly been on the connect sensor. We have not found a computer strong enough to hold our linx and it will not work. Our building was the only thing that went well really because our tech group could not get what we needed and we had some set backs with the computer, graphics card, and the projector. The computer is not powerful enough to process the linx. The graphics card we were recommended was to expensive for us so that was one more set back and the projectors we tested did not work on what we needed and this was a very big set back. 

The Connect sensor will be sensing the depth of the sand and if there is shade to make rain and the projector will project the sensed depth sand and shadow to make a visual presentation of crazy scientific research.

Our equipment is:
Xbox 360 connect sensor
Sanyo Projector
Computer with linx
The sandbox our group has create to hold the sand

Video of augmented reality sandbox

This is the final day of passion project so we all get to see all the groups and what they have been learning. I am looking forward to seeing the other groups passion project group because everyone have been working very hard on their passion project.
This has been a very different project and has been challenging to find the stuff that we need for our project to work.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

What is a Supernova?

I wonder about what is a Supernova?

Where do Supernovas take place?
Supernovas are often seen in other galaxies. But supernovas are difficult to see in our own Milky Way galaxy because dust blocks our view. In 1604, Johannes Kepler discovered the last observed supernova in the Milky Way. NASA’s Chandra telescope discovered the remains of a more recent supernova. It exploded in the Milky Way more than a hundred years ago.

What causes a Supernova?
A supernova happens where there is a change in the core, or center, of a star. A change can occur in two different ways, with both resulting in a supernova.
The first type of supernova happens in binary star systems. Binary stars are two stars that orbit the same point. One of the stars, a carbon-oxygen white dwarf, steals matter from its companion star. Eventually, the white dwarf accumulates too much matter. Having too much matter causes the star to explode, resulting in a supernova.
The second type of supernova occurs at the end of a single star’s lifetime. As the star runs out of nuclear fuel, some of its mass flows into its core. Eventually, the core is so heavy that it cannot withstand its own gravitational force. The core collapses, which results in the giant explosion of a supernova. The sun is a single star, but it does not have enough mass to become a supernova.
Why do scientists study Supernovas?
A supernova burns for only a short period of time, but it can tell scientists a lot about the universe. One kind of supernova has shown scientists that we live is and ever expanding universe, one that is growing at an increasing rate.
How do NASA Scientists look for supernovas?
NASA Scientists use different types of Telescopes to look for and study Supernovas. Some telescopes are used to observe the visible light from the explosion. Others record data from the x-rays and gamma rays that are also produced. Both NASA's hubble space telescope and Chandra x-ray observatory have captured images of supernovas.  
Image result for images of supernova explosions

Thursday 1 November 2018

Drax project study

Drax Project

Background on the Drax project
The band is from Wellington, New Zealand. There is no other information I can find about where each member has come from.

What is their work?
They are very famous for their creative and different workings of music. The Drax Project is a New Zealand Pop - R&B - Jazz - Hip Hop music band. They have created many songs. This is a list of their songs. Woke up late, Toto, Only us, Sidebit, Prefer, Cold, Seemed like trouble, Come to me, City lights, Real, See in colour, Goldmine, Falling out of sight, So lost,  GO,Horizons, and Turn your lights down low.

Monday 17 September 2018

Know your rights.

Knowing you rights

The Fair Trading Act allows us as consumers to have the rights to refunds and be able to take a business to court for false advertisements and more. The commerce commission's goal is to stop the false and unfair trade. The only other people to be able to be responsible for the act on unfair trade is the consumer and producer. The act apply's to two groups, Consumers and Producer. The act apply's to the false and unfair making in a contract . This means that when you sign a contract if it seems unfair or put you at a disadvantage from everyone else. The act may not apply to when you buy an item and break the producers policy or the policy for the product. The producers need to put them self's in the consumers "shoes" so that they can see what the consumers see in a product. The commission is empowered to protect us as kiwis from unfair contracts. If you need to report a business you need to find out more about the information they are giving you and be able to back up your argument and go to the commission page and make a report.

Thursday 23 August 2018

My group work on Traditional Maori medicine

I have learnt that the Maori would have survived with out the Europeans coming into their lives and they would have had every injury fixed in like a week.

Our video presentation

Traditional Maori Medicine

I have learnt that the Maori have created very extensive medical care and that they have been able to heal each other before they were invaded by European's.

Internal herbal treatments were given for:
respiratory ailments like asthma, bronchitis, and coughs.
stomach, bowel, and urinary tract problems.
menstrual and birthing difficulties.
at least one form of tuberculosis.

External herbal treatments were given for:
fractures and wounds


Traditional Maori Instruments

I have learnt that the Maori have a very different way of creating instruments.

Info on the Pūtātara: The Pūtātara is used for new arrivals to a marae or the birth of a child. It is also used to summon people for formal learning or as a call to arms. Pūtātara are highly prized. The Triton shell is rarely found in Aotearoa, only occasionally washing up on beaches in the Far North. It is regarded as a special gift of Tangaroa, the god of the sea.

Info on the Pūkāea: The Pūkāea is used to welcome people and announce events or occasions of importance, and was also a war trumpet. Pūkāea vary considerably in length, with some known to be over 2 metres long. The mouthpiece end is the kōngutu. The bell-shaped end is called the whara.

Karanga weka: This instrument was used to mimic the call of the weka. Māori have many instruments for imitating bird calls – leaves and grasses, tubular plant stems, hollow stones, and pounamu (greenstone).

Monday 20 August 2018

Reflection on Fridays Practical in Food

3 cups plain flour
6 teaspoons Baking Powder
¼ teaspoon salt
75g butter
1 to 1 ½ cups milk


  1. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt into a bowl
  2. Cut butter in until it resembles fine breadcrumbs
  3. Add milk and mix quickly with a knife to a soft dough
  4. Knead a few times
  5. Place baking paper on tray.
  6. Press scone dough onto this. cut into 12 pieces.
  7. brush with milk
  8. Bake at 180c for  10 minutes

What went well on Friday?= Nothing for my group.
What needs to be improved?= Timing.
What was something you learn't?= I learnt my team can not speak up and work with me.

Monday 11 June 2018

100 word challenge


Today started with pure blue skies like everyday. I started work, im a poetry writer for the newspaper. The genes of this building is amazing, this building has been passed down through many generations of my family. We have a conductor who conducts what our poetry is about today. We have one big problem in this office is that all our wires are transparent so when we try to get one fix we don't know which one leads to what computer or output signal. 

Thursday 31 May 2018


The black doll

It was a normal day and I woke up to find my car a holden v8 ute with some upgrades, its rims and brakes where gone and all could see on the seats was a black doll with a number on the bottom of it. The next day I woke up at the same time and went outside to find all the cars in the street had no tires and no brakes. At this point I followed the number on the bottom. The doll looks as ugly as an old lady. The number changed…


Tuesday 22 May 2018

Floating house

It was 2 weeks after the war and somehow the houses had just floated. I was walking home for school and all the houses were upside down then all I could see was a shadow above me so i looked and all  I could see was myself walking the same way just it was not me it was like it was my twin his face was the same, his body was the same apart from I was down here. Then I noticed that all houses on my street were in the parallel universe. Then I noticed that it was the past time but upside down so that means that in 2 weeks the war will again. One week later I still noticed that at the same time as me, my twin was walking to and from school and this happened till the bombs started to drop all I could hear was all the booms and klangs of metal falling to the ground. After all of that happened all i could see was my twin family died on the ground bleeding because it was my birthday so they wanted to be nice and get me my favorite food and on their way home a bomb hit them and that is why i'm homeless now. Now I know why the street is crumbled into pieces and why all I see on my way to school is concrete and metal all over the disgusting grey ashy ground that is cracked into pieces and why my school is gone into many dangerous out picking pieces of rusted metal. Now I know why my life is so depressing and why my body just says that I have nothing left I should just not move.


Monday 26 March 2018

What I have learned in drama

I have learned that musicals can be fun and that they are different.

A really surprising musical is Greased lighting because of how differently made t is compared to others.

I like Greased lighting   because of what they talk about and how they show off their dreams.

Thursday 22 March 2018

The best way to learn fractions, decimals and percentages

Hey guys my name is Connor and i will be talking about Decimals, fraction and percentages. Our year nine class was told to make a D.L.O on decimal, percentages and fractions. This subject we had three weeks to work on and then we had to make a blogpost about it.

You can find the story HERE

I learnt that it can be very challenging to make a story about mathematical questions. It was very difficult because i did not know how to make a book out of a math equation. This I found to be fun and challenging.
these are my references

Do u have any questions for me if so comment below.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Dilutions from a dissolved crystal

we added one dissolved crystal to the first on then we take half away and then added it to the next one then this process is repeated.

The first tube has a concentrated solution because there was not much water

The end one has a dilute solution because we had added more water to the solution.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

This was all a mistake

I didn't mean to kill her.

Yesterday was the same as every other day, i went to school and started the day.

It was about half way threw period one and i had pe and we went outside to do some rugby or basketball. I pick rugby, so did about 25 other kids including a girl. We played rugby for about five minutes then the boys were told that they could hit the girl. So one of the boys gave her the boy and i went to tackle her and knocked her out, she was in an ambulance getting taken to the hospital with a one of the biggest head wounds they have ever seen.

Today our school was told she had died and was told that my hit on her had killed her as soon as I hit her.This was really hard to come by because I thought it was how hard she hit the ground but then I remembered that i had my shoulder pads on.They also told me that i broke her back, rupshered her kidney and ripped open her stomach. Now im am getting told to go to the police station because her family want an apology and I will say on but they might want more than just an apology...

BY Connor Fraser     

This was a writing topic.

Monday 19 March 2018

Filtering muddy water

The top photo show what we started with and what we got it to

The bottom photo shows how we filtered or water from top to bottom

In the case of an earthquake we could set up one a filter like this one to filter muddy water

Tuesday 13 March 2018

the meaning of migration to me


Moving from one place to another, and starting a new lie for example, moving for jobs or getting closer to family or further away.

FOOD/DRINK: alcohol,Christmas roast pork

Celebrations: birthdays, mothers day, fathers day, christmas day and easter 

Dance: highland dancing and marching.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Elon musk space trip

In this task i had to: Write a response to the elon musk spaceship take off. It could be- -Your personal thoughts about this- e.g. "I think it is amazing that...", "This makes me wonder about..." "In 20 years I think..." -A vivid description of what you see and hear in the video. You must use lots of descriptive language and describe each stage in the process with lots of detail. -A creative story. Imagine that you are the one in the car in the spaceship, about to embark on your journey into space. Where are you going? What are you thinking? What are you seeing and hearing?

My personal view on what this means: I think that this new space trip that he has come up with is a good sign for the world. It means that we could end up in the near future finding (if there is any) other race of beings. It also means that we could have hovering technology, cars, bikes. There is one problem about us being able to find a way to make hovering technology is that, what if we need to fuel to live because it might not be good on certain things but it also could be killing the things that are bad for our body and the human race.   

My description on this is: They started off by having the rocket planed on a blueprint and scientist made sure that it would make it, that it would have enough fuel to make it all the way around. Then they started to construct the $56-$57 million dollar falcon 9 rocket that was hopefully going to send elon musk and his car to mars and survive. They finished the rocket and now came the hard as task of programing the rocket and all the orbital programs to get it to do what it did. Now they have the hard task of making it human safe and do all the programing to make it go to mars.
 My imaginary story: I'm getting ready just before my first trip around the world in the brand new tesla roadster 2. The past three months have been making the spaceship and programing it. Today is the day that I go into space, I can't wait. Now is the time that my life my become spacless or be something good. Thank you everybody who help work on the spaceship and let me go first, to test it. I have successfully landed back on earth, now I can be in the record books to be the first person to go all the way around the world. Now I have a completely opposite view on the world and the universe. I am now done with everything that i had to do. This is the last time i'm going to be writing in this book.